爱德华EDWARDS公司是的真空泵设计和生产厂家之一,做为BOC EDWARDS GROUP 下属的真空技术公司的系列泵产品现在服务于世界 60 余个国家。 产品包括: ·半导体工业用真空泵和系统 ·科研仪器、真空加工用途真空泵和系统 ·泄漏检测、真空仪器、真空元件用于全部工业领域 ·排气控制、温度控制、污水处理系统、气体处理系统、化学品和生料控制及元件清洗 润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司特价现货销售英国EDWARDS泵,EDWARDS真空泵,EDWARDS增压泵,EDWARDS温控器,EDWARDS真空计,EDWARDS真空开关,EDWARDS真空表,EDWARDS压力表,EDWARDS控制器,EDWARDS阀门,EDWARDS球阀,EDWARDS蝶阀,EDWARDS闸阀,EDWARDS电磁阀 EDWARDS销售,EDWARDS经销,EDWARDS分销,EDWARDS现货,EDWARDS库存,EDWARDS选型,EDWARDS型号,EDWARDS资料,EDWARDS下载 Edwards is a global leader of vacuum and abatement. We are proud to lead the industry, pushing the boundaries of science to deliver innovative products which are intrinsic to everyday life, working in partnership with our customers and continually setting new standards. 爱德华兹是真空和减排的**,我们很自豪能够这个行业,推动科学的发展,提供日常生活所固有的创新产品,与客户合作,不断制定新的标准 With over 100 years of rich heritage, Edwards is the partner of choice for tens of thousands of customers in critical applications around the world. Vacuum is required in diverse sectors, from the generation of power to the production of steel, to the challenging environments of space simulation and high energy physics research. Everywhere you find vacuum requirements, you will find Edwards leading the way. 爱德华兹拥有**过*的丰富传统,是**数万个关键应用领域客户的可以选择合作伙伴。从发电到钢铁生产,再到空间模拟和高能物理研究的挑战性环境,各个领域都需要真空。无论你在哪里发现真空需求,你都会发现爱德华兹 he membrane pumps in the D-LAB series come with Teflon heads that are chemically resistant, as well as diaphragms and Kalrez valves that offer the user of pharmaceutical or chemical labs a wide range of choices, either when used as standalone pumps or as part of sophisticated systems. The one head comes with 100mbar ultimate vacuum pump, suitable for drying equipment or for replacing water-jet pumps. D-LAB系列的隔膜泵配有耐化学腐蚀的特氟隆头,以及隔膜和Kalrez阀,为制药或化学实验室的用户提供了广泛的选择,无论是作为泵使用还是作为复杂系统的一部分使用。单头配有100毫巴良好真空泵,适用于干燥设备或更换喷水泵。 The alternative is the 8mbar ultimate vacuum pump, which is suitable for rotary evaporation, as well as gas transfers and other medium vacuum applications. The pumps are 110V and supplied with a USA plug. The 220-240V pumps come with an IEC connector, and users need to order the mains cables separately. The vacuum pumps in this series are gas-tight, ** oil-free, quiet and maintenance-free, while the high ultimate vacuum and fast pump downtime are crucial advantages. 另一种选择是8mbar良好真空泵,它适用于旋转蒸发、气体输送和其他介质真空应用。泵为110V,并配有美国插头。220-240V泵配有一个IEC连接器,用户需要单独订购电源电缆。该系列真空泵具有气密性好、**无油、安静、免维护等优点,而高真空度和快速停泵是其关键的优点 润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司是一家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为一体的综合型公司。 公司主要生产及经营产品包括:各种液压设备,各种高低压电器,各种仪器仪表,各种电力设备,各种工控设备,以及各种电机马达、传动控制、开关插座等各种工控产品和备件。服务领域涵盖钢铁、化工、煤矿、机械制造、船舶、汽车、电力等行业。 依托于上海的贸易便利性,公司享有着价格的**优势,同时公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品。公司起源于中国香港,有着多年的行业从业经验,公司拥有一支业务精通,操作能力强的骨干队伍。在为客人提供多种产品代购方案的同时,还可以为海外客户开拓中国市场提供专业化、个性化、全天候、*的服务。