润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司特价现货销售西班牙CORA**X接头,CORA**X阀门,CORA**X球阀,CORA**X塑料阀门,CORA**X化工阀门,CORA**X蝶阀,CORA**X截止阀,CORA**X转接头,CORA**X塑料接头,CORA**X管接头,CORA**X快速接头 Coraplax is a family-run business with international presence, dedicated to the manufacturing of PVC valves and accessories. Like many companies of this kind, its history reflects exceedance, discipline, passion, endeavour, courage, innovation, commitment, determination, creativity, tenacity, and millions of hours of hard work. For this reason, I will explain its history in first person. My name is Ernest Costales, son of the founder. Coraplax是一家国际**的家族企业,致力于PVC阀门和配件的制造像许多这样的公司一样,它的历史反映了追赶、纪律、激情、努力、勇气、创新、承诺、决心、创造力、坚韧和数百万小时的辛勤工作。因此,我将一人称地解释它的历史我叫欧内斯特·科斯塔莱斯,创始人之子。 Today Coraplax still exists in spite of the problems and obstacles that we have faced, and for this reason, it has bounced back even stronger into the world of PVC valves and accessories manufacturing. We can emphasize that we have even improved the quality of our finished products as well as the company procedures in order to provide a more personalized customer service. Coraplax has been able to adapt to the new times and after running for over four decades we can reaffirm that after many changes, we are the same company, and without a doubt we can affirm that Coraplax is still CORA**X. 今天,Coraplax仍然存在,尽管我们面临的问题和障碍,因此,它已经反弹回到更强大的世界PVC阀门和配件制造。 我们可以强调,我们甚至提高了我们的成品质量以及公司的程序,以便提供更加个性化的客户服务。 Coraplax能够适应新的时代,经过40多年的经营,我们可以重申,经过多次变革,我们是同一家公司,毫无疑问,我们可以肯定Coraplax仍然是Coraplax。 CORA**X销售,CORA**X经销,CORA**X分销,CORA**X现货,CORA**X库存,CORA**X选型,CORA**X型号,CORA**X资料,CORA**X下载 润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司是一家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为一体的综合型公司。 公司主要生产及经营产品包括:各种液压设备,各种高低压电器,各种仪器仪表,各种电力设备,各种工控设备,以及各种电机马达、传动控制、开关插座等各种工控产品和备件。服务领域涵盖钢铁、化工、煤矿、机械制造、船舶、汽车、电力等行业。 依托于上海的贸易便利性,公司享有着价格的**优势,同时公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品。公司起源于中国香港,有着多年的行业从业经验,公司拥有一支业务精通,操作能力强的骨干队伍。在为客人提供多种产品代购方案的同时,还可以为海外客户开拓中国市场提供专业化、个性化、全天候、*的服务。